Part 2: Four Treasures
Welcome back! Last time we... err... watched the intro cutscene. This time, we get to... watch more cutscenes? And do the bits of gameplay between them.
Look at that kid's face. Just look at it. That face tells you everything you need to know about Gantz right off the bat. That's not the face of a kid who just has an ace up his sleeve, that's the face of a kid who has the whole deck in his pocket and blackmail on the dealer. The kind of kid who plays against kids smaller and weaker than him and gloats when he wins. The kind of kid who tries to beat people up when he loses.
Gantz is kind of a jerk, is what I'm saying here.

: The "End of the World" was found and there's no use for adventurers! You're way behind the times!

: There is no "End of the World"!

: Huh? You don't even know that? You, a first-rate adventurer?

: As you promised, starting tomorrow, Sue's in my gang.

: No way, Gantz! We got plenty of time before sundown.

: Hey, Gantz, lookie here!
I do love that the game consistently refers to it as the Dirty Apron. It does the same for the other four treasures, as well.

: ... Ugh! You found the Legendary Armor.

: Hah hah! How about that?!
Justin tries to out-smug Gantz. This goes about as well as you'd expect, given that not five minutes ago, Justin was being punched in the head by Angry Shed Guy.

: Mmm. Don't get big-headed just because you found the Legendary Armor. That's all you found so far!
I would make a comment about the game holding our hands during the tutorial, but it never really stops. One of the game's big flaws is that it's almost insultingly easy.
Anyway, we tell Gantz to stuff it.

: 'Less you find those two, you'll never find the "Spirit Sword"!
Gantz tries to show us by... giving us a hint. Not the sharpest tool in the shed, that one. But let's see what he has to say about where the other treasures are.

: The Shield of Light! It's in a place where you always hear seagulls squaking.

: Hmm.... Seagulls squaking...?

: The Warrior's Helmet! It's in a place where you always hear the sound of running water.

: The sound of running water...?

Yep, there's only one spot here in this port city, bisected by a canal, that you hear running water or seagulls.
Fuck you, Gantz.

: Then Sue will become Gantz's bride, right? They'll live happily ever after.

: Stop that, Goose! I don't wanna be Gantz's bride!

: Aaaah, (yawn) mumble, mumble.... I'm getting pretty sleepy. G'night. Zzzz, zzzzz....

: Hey, Goose, you can't be going to sleep here. You're gonna catch a cold!
Well, that was useless. Let's try Gantz's other minion.
Yeah, that lisp is going away now.

: You'll never be able to find 'em all before sundown. Nah hah hah....

: If you don't fix that tooth soon, none of the girls will like you, Kozuru.

: Ya know, adventurers just ain't popular no more. This is the age of steam ya know! Ya know what's popular now? Steam engineers and Garlyle soldiers! Nah hah hah....
Somehow, Kozuru manages to be even less helpful than the narcoleptic Goose. But whatever, we don't need Gantz's help to find his treasures. He probably stashed them all under his bed.

: Gantz and the others are down at the bridge by the factory.
While true, that's not at all what she asked, Justin.

: Right now we're right in the middle of a duel to hunt for the Four Hidden Treasures.

: Well well. I'm glad you never get tired of playing every day. But don't make trouble for anyone. Tell my Gantz he can't be playing around all the time. He needs to help out at home sometimes.
Oh well. At least she seems nice.
The creepy alley in front of the
bar underground cafe seems like a good place to start looking.

: Wasn't that Tentz who just ran away? Too bad he's Gantz's little brother. Otherwise, he's pretty cute.

: You think so? I guess he is a lot better than Gantz.
I'm sure that Gantz's little brother running off as soon as he sees us is nothing important, and not at all relevant to the duel. Nope.
Hey, let's chase him down!

: What's up with Tentz? What do you think, Justin?
Sadly, we never get to hear Justin's ruminations on the matter. But there is a kid nearby; maybe he has some idea.

: A pot, huh?

: Hmm? Could that be...?
I knew it! That Gantz kid is into the jenkem!
Still, we should check it out.
Hmm... nope, he didn't just chuck it off the bridge.
Well what do you know? Down here in the canal, where the rushing water sound effect is playing, we find ourselves a pot.

: Say, Justin. You think this pot could be the Warrior's Helmet?

: Yeah, I think you're right! This must be the Warrior's Helmet! He he he, just you wait, Gantz!
Awwwwww, yeah. Let's go rub Gantz's face in it! ... Literally or figuratively, either one's good.

: He he! Look at this before you say that, Gantz!

: ... Ugh! You found the Warrior's Helmet, too. The two remaining Hidden Treasures are the Shield of Light and the Spirit Sword. Find the shield first!
Huh. No smug, condescending remark about how we found the pot that was clearly visible from the bridge we started on? Gantz, you're going soft, man.
Anyway, let's go after that shield.
... Dammit, Justin, I figured you of all people would be running around with a pot lid shield, hitting your friends with sticks. It's what I was doing at that age.

: Could this pot lid be the Shield of Light?

: Hey! Know what? It does look like a shield. C'mon, let's pick it up.
The apron, pot, and now lid! We're invincible now, motherfuckers!

: He he! I brought you the Shield of Light!

: ... Ugh! You found the Shield of Light, too. I guess you got three of the Four Treasures.... But don't let it go to your head!
Dammit, he's just gonna whale on us with it now that we have the armor, isn't he?

: He he! The Spirit Sword? Piece a' cake! Then I win, Gantz!

: But, we didn't see anything like a sword anywhere....
Talking to Gantz triggers the next part of this scene.

: But, it's locked so you can't open it! Here's the catch! Where d'ya think the key is? Heh heh heh!

: The key to the treasure chest.... Hmmm.... Did I see something like that?

: Hey, Justin! Bet it's simple for an adventurer to open a treasure chest, right!
Y'know, Gantz is really giving Justin more than a fair chance here. All the kids I knew would've waited until time was up to drop that on me.
Anyway, barging into someone's house to open their treasure chest and steal their crap? Finally, some RPG elements!
Uh-oh, it's getting late.

: What, Justin? What do you mean, do I know where the key to Gantz's treasure chest is? ... Oh, now I remember. Gantz gave it to Tentz after lunch. Go find Tentz and ask him.
Fuck that noise, we're adventurers! I'm sure we have something to pick the lock or pry it open, or-
Dammit, Justin.
So now we need to chase down Tentz. But I guess that makes sense; can't have a duel without some sort of physical challenge, right?

: What do I do? What do I do...?

: Hey, what's wrong, Tentz! Why are you crying?

I can't if you don't tell me.

: Waaaaaaah! Oh, NOOO! Gantz is gonna kill me! Somebuddy help me! (sniff, sniff....)
And we are presented with the dialog choices again. But Thou Must be a jerk, Justin.

No way, I'll tell Gantz.

: Oh NOOOO, oh NOOOO! Don't tell Gantz that I lost the key to his treasure chest!

: Hmm, now I see. You lost the key to the treasure chest holding the Spirit Sword.

: How, how did you know!? Sue, can you read my mind or something!?

: Tee hee.... Tentz, you're so gullible.

: Right, Justin?!

: I guess we have no choice.
Hmm. I bet he knows something else. Let's talk to him again.

: ... Say, Tentz, where do you think you lost the key?

: (sniff, sniff) Well, I just fell down near the river by the cafe.

: OK, I bet it's there. Let's look around down by the river!
It's been far too long since I've praised this game, so here's one: Justin and Sue actually get down on their hands and knees while you search the area. If you leave the fenced-in area, they stand up and start walking normally until you come back. It's a neat touch.

: I found it!

: Well, what'd you know! Tentz can be so sweet!

: I'll never forget this, Justin. Well... I'll definitely remember until the day after tomorrow!

: Look at you. You were bawling like a baby and now you're back the the usual Tentz.

: Big brother Gantz told me not to give this key to you, Justin. But you know... I'll give it to you anyway! I can't be indebted to anyone if I'm gonna be a man! But Justin, you tell him that you took it from me by force, OK? Otherwise Gantz'll beat me up! The treasure chest holding the Spirit Sword is at my house. Come along with me, Justin and Sue!
And with all that said, Tentz runs off, showing the way to Gantz's house if you haven't found it yet.

: All right already! I'll find it right away!
... Y'know, let's ask their mom if it's all right if we pilfer their crap. Seems like the polite thing to do.

: Tentz gave it to me! Is it OK if we open the treasure chest?

: Go ahead but don't go messing up the room. It's messy enough already.

: I'm so excited, Justin. Puffy must be too. ♪

: Puff puff!

: Here goes...!
Oh wow, a proper wooden sword, even! Not a lumpy stick, or a two-by-four or anything like that!

: C'mon, let's go show Gantz the Spirit Sword. There's no time to waste!
Huh. Looks like something's going on with Gantz.

: Look at that, Sue. Greg is telling Gantz off good! Hee hee. What a chump!

: We told Gantz to stop blocking the bridge. He really is stupid!
You're actually given control back for a little bit. Walking towards the bridge triggers Sue and Justin to stroll on by casually.
Of course, it doesn't go as smoothly as expected.

: Surely you jest!?
The quality of the translation kinda... wavers. Sometimes you get lines like this one that really hit the mark. Other times they seem like the localization didn't touch the direct translation. Still, I do mostly remember the script being silly and charming.

: There's no way I'd be caught dead playing with Gantz!

: That's right, Greg, sir! We just happened to be passing by. Right, Puffy?

: Puff! Puff puff!

: 'Course you wouldn't! There's no way that I, Gantz, would be
knockin' you all down! playin' with Justin!
Greg turns around to face Gantz here when he speaks up.

: Me an' Justin are havin' a DUEL!

Nothing, Sir! Gantz is just an idiot!
But that would be intelligent, and we can't have that in our anime JRPG hero, now can we?

: Make a break for it, Sue!
For some reason, Justin and Sue run backwards here for a frame.

: Ahhhh, we made it! But he didn't have to get THAT mad. Right, Sue?

: It's just that all the regular things you do are bad.
NEXT TIME: Walking around the city, talking to people! Dinner! The one part that anyone who's played this game is waiting to see! More gifs!